Publications and books on Cornish mining Migration
Sharron Schwartz is an award winning author of over 50 articles, reports, publications and books on Cornish mining migration and mining history. Copies of some of her publications are available for purchase.
Journals and Magazines articles on Cornish Mineworkers and Migrants
Schwartz, S. P., Critchley, M F, Merrigan, M, Cocks, A (2015) ‘Contested Spaces’: Imaginings of Post-Industrial Mining Landscapes, The Case of Avoca, County Wicklow’, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, 15, pp. 55-90
Schwartz, S. P., Critchley, M F (2015) ‘The Caim(e) Rocks Silver-Lead Mine, County Wexford: Its History and Industrial Archaeology’, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland 15, 1-39
Schwartz, S. P., Critchley, M F (2014) ‘The Sliver-Lead Mines of Glenmalure, County Wicklow: A History and an Archaeological Survey of Extant Remains’ Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, 14, 23-86.
Schwartz, S P and Critchley, M F (2013) ‘A history of the silver-lead mines of County Down, Northern Ireland’ Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland 13, 23-95.
Schwartz, S P (2012) ‘The Great Cornish Migration’, My Cornwall, 20-25.
Schwartz, S P and Critchley, M F (2012) ‘Mining Heritage and Tourism in South Australia and Victoria: Observations and Impressions’, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland 12, 87-107.
Schwartz, S P and Critchley, M F (2012) ‘Creggan and the History of the Silver Lead Mines of the Marches of Armagh and Monaghan’, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland 12, 57-86.
Schwartz S P and Critchley, M F (2012) ‘The Lead Ore Dressing floors at Glendalough and Glendasan, County Wicklow, 1825-1923: A History, Survey and Interpretation of Extant remains’, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland 12, 5-52.
Critchley, M F and Schwartz S P (2011) ‘Unearthing the Past: The Rediscovery of Blundell’s Mine(s), Edenderry, County Offaly’, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland 11, 35-46.
Schwartz S P and Critchley, M F (2011) ‘Philip Henry Argall (1854-1922): The Remarkable Life and Career of a Cornish-Irish Mining Manager, Engineer and Metallurgist’, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland 11, 47-64.
Schwartz S P and Critchley, M F (2011) ‘Ringing the Blews: The Avoca ‘Mine Bell’, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland 11, 71-80.
Deacon B and Schwartz S P (2007) ‘Cornish identities and migration: a multi-scalar approach‘, Global Networks: a Journal of Transnational Affairs, 7:3, 289-306.
Schwartz S P (2006) ‘Bridging “the Great Divide”: the Evolution and Impact of Cornish Translocalism in Britain and the USA, Journal of American Ethnic History, 25 (Winter–Spring), 169–89.
Perez, A. A. and Schwartz SP (2006) ‘Mining a Shared Heritage: The Cornish and the Lead Mines of Linares, Spain’, Journal of the Cornwall Family History Society, 2-5.
Schwartz S P (2004) ‘The Cornish in Latin America: A New Website’, Old Cornwall Vol. X111: 3, 47-51.
Schwartz S P (2004) ‘Foreign House Names in Cornwall: A Vanishing Heritage’, Old Cornwall Vol. X111: 2, 2-11.
Schwartz S P (2001) ‘Exporting the Industrial Revolution: Trevithick and the Migration of British Steam-Engineering Technology to Latin America’, Journal of the Trevithick Society, 3-12.
Perry R and Schwartz S P (2001) ‘James Hicks, Architect of Regeneration in Victorian Redruth’, Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, 64-77.
Conference Publications on Migration
Schwartz S P, (2017) ‘Migration networks and the transnationalization of social capital: Cornish migration to the Pacific Littoral’, Revista Izquierdas, Volumen 21, Nº 1, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 63-108.
With Marek Lorenc (2011) ‘From Mining the Landscape to Mining Wallets: Mining Heritage Tourism in Four European Regions’, in T. Słomka (ed.), Geotourism: A Variety of Aspects, Kraków Poland, 261-296.
Schwartz S P (2007) ‘Cornish Mining Heritage: A Transnational Perspective’, Mining in the Landscape (NAMHO Proceedings), Shropshire Mining and Caving Club, 49-56.
Schwartz S P (2002) ‘Exporting the Industrial Revolution: the Migration of Cornish Mining Technology to Latin America in the Early Nineteenth Century’. In H. Macpherson and W. Kaufman (eds.), New Perspectives in Transatlantic Studies, University of America Press, New York, 143-158.
Schwartz S P (2002) ‘A Professor in Peru: Trevithick and the Transatlantic Migration of the Industrial Revolution’, in Richard Trevithick: Romantic Adventurer or Unacknowledged Genius? CD Kew Bridge Steam Museum, London.
Unpublished Articles
Schwartz, S.P., (2008) ‘Networks of Metalliferous Mining Migration in the Nineteenth Century Transatlantic World: The Cornish and Irish – a Comparative Study‘.
Book Articles on the Cornish Overseas
Schwartz S P (2016) ‘Mining in Ireland: A Brief History’ in Schwartz, S P (editor), Celebrating the First 20 years of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Dublin, 4-7.
Schwartz S P and Parkes, M. (2016) ‘Mining the Records: Archives and Historical Research’’ in Schwartz, S P (editor), Celebrating the First 20 years of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Dublin, 20-24.
Lings, A., Critchley, M F. And Schwartz S P (2016) ‘Twenty Years of Field Visits (1996-2016)’ in Schwartz, S P (editor), Celebrating the First 20 years of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Dublin, 36-53.
Schwartz S P (2016) ‘MHTI International Collaborative Projects’ in Schwartz, S P (editor), Celebrating the First 20 years of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Dublin, 74-86.
Schwartz S P (2005) ‘Migration Networks and the Transnationalisation of Social Capital: Cornish Migration to Latin America, a Case Study’, Cornish Studies: 13, Exeter University Press, 256-287.
Schwartz S P (2002) ‘Cornish Migration Studies: An Epistemological and Paradigmatic Critique’, in P. Payton (ed.) Cornish Studies: 10, Exeter University Press, 136-165.
Schwartz S P (2001) ‘The Making of a Myth: Cornish Miners in the New World in the Early Nineteenth Century, in P. Payton (ed.) Cornish Studies: 9, Exeter University Press, 105-126.
Schwartz S P (2000) ‘No Place for a Woman: Gender at Work in Cornwall’s Metalliferous Mining Industry’, in P. Payton (ed.) Cornish Studies: 8, Exeter University Press, 69-96.
Schwartz S P (1999) ‘In Defence of Customary Rights: Labouring Women’s Experience of Industrialisation in Cornwall c1750-1870’, in P. Payton (ed.) Cornish Studies: 7, Exeter University Press, 8-31.
Books about the Cornish
Schwartz S P (2016) The Cornish in Latin America: ‘Cousin Jack’ and the New World, with a foreword by Professor Charles Thomas, Cornubian Press, Wicklow. BUY HERE

Schwartz S P (2011) Mining a Shared Heritage: Mexico’s Little Cornwall, Cornish-Mexican Cultural Society, Wendron. BUY HERE
Schwartz S P (2008) Voices of the Cornish Mining Landscape, Cornwall County Council, Truro. BUY HERE
Deacon B and Schwartz S P (2004) The Cornish Family: The Roots of Our Future, Cornwall Editions, Fowey.
Schwartz S P (1999) The Mining Villages: An Exploration of the Gwennap Mining Area, The Mining Villages Regeneration Project.
Schwartz S P and Parker R H (1998) Lanner: A Cornish Mining Parish, Halsgrove, Tiverton (republished in 2001 as Tin Mines and Miners of Lanner).
Reports/Major Surveys/Documents
DoEHLG, OPW and ERA-Maptec, (2009) The Monastic City of Clonmacnoise and its Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site Nomination Document, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ireland.
DoEHLG, OPW and ERA-Maptec, (2009) The Monastic City of Clonmacnoise and its Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site Management Plan, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ireland.
Schwartz S P (2008) Mining a Shared Heritage: Harnessing the Potential of Cornish Transnationalism, Second Series, Cornwall County Council, Truro.
Schwartz S P and Gamble, B (2007) An Interpretation Strategy for the Heartlands Project, Camborne.
Schwartz S P (2006) Mining a Shared Heritage: Harnessing the Potential of Cornish Transnationalism, Cornwall County Council, Truro.
Schwartz S P (2006) Harnessing the potential of the Cornish overseas: A preliminary overseas marketing strategy for the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site, Cornwall County Council, Truro.
WHS Bid Team (2005) The Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site Nomination Document, Cornwall County Council, Truro.
WHS Bid Team (2005) The Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site Management Plan, Cornwall County Council, Truro.